
GIVEAWAY !!!! All-in-One Household Binder - Printable Planner PDF

Hello Everyone.

I hope you all are doing great. I am so excited to announce my first ever GIVEAWAY !!! 

Since I started my Etsy shop this year, I knew that this would be a great giveaway. Thank you all for supporting and making this year a successful one. 

So whats the GIVEAWAY ???? 

I will be giving away All-in-one Household Binder Set to one lucky person.

GIVEAWAY !!!! All-in-One Household Binder - Printable Planner PDF

What is it ???

HOUSEHOLD BINDER (All-in-one planner) helps you plan and track everything for your home, yourself and family. It comes in a PDF file format with 107 pages. This is to be printed on an 8.5”x 11” paper. 

What does it contain ???
This kit includes 15 documents.

1. COVER PAGE {1 page}. 

2. MONTH CALENDAR {1 month in 1 page, unfilled – 12 pages}

3. WEEK CALENDAR {1 week in 2 pages, unfilled – 2 pages}

4. BUDGET PLANNER{22 pages including divider page}

5. CLEANING AND HOME MAINTENANCE PLANNER{16 pages including divider page}

6. HEALTH AND FITNESS PLANNER{5 pages including divider page}

7. HOME IMPROVEMENT PLANNER{8 pages including divider page}

8. MENU PLANNER{16 pages including divider page}

9. PARTY PLANNER AND GIFT TRACKER{10 pages including divider page}

10. VACATION PLANNER{6 pages including divider page}

11. LISTS{Daily to-do list, bucket list, books to read, movies to watch, dream log – 5 pages}

12. DAYS TO REMEMBER {1 page} CONTACT LIST {1 page}

13. CONTACT LIST {1 page}

14. FORWARD PLANNER {1 page}

15. NOTES {1 page}

What you win ????

This Household Binder costs around $70. You save upto $25 in my Etsy shop and buy one here.

What's more special about this ???

It is unfilled. So you can use it for any year you like. Just print as much as you want. :)



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